Thursday, November 24, 2011

Doesn't this prove logically speaking that atheists are right and religious people are wrong?

Some people say God don't exist, some say he does exist. Well if he did exist wouldn't he come down to confirm his existence, to prove believers right? I think his "silence" on the matter speaks volumes. The fact is that there is NO evidence what so ever of God's existence. But there is TONS of evidence of his lack of existence. So how then could any sane, logical person believe in such madness, as a magical sky daddy, that never talks, never shows himself, and never exists?|||You automatically lose your argument when you say "logically speaking" - they aren't going to listen to you if they don't want to. Logic is not their strong suit. And it still doesn't prove anything - its one of those things that is impossible to prove or disprove - you either believe or you don't.

BTW: No scientific test can be devised to prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural, therefore invoking the name of science in the proof or disproof of the existence of a deity is NOT an option.|||Thank you - something I learned on this forum!

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|||Why don't you ask GOD directly? Its not hard at all.

He asked me to build church, I asked him for a famous, poor pastor

with healing abilities and he sent one to me.

Simply ask, "Dear creator, are you there?" or

"Dear father, please talk to me."

May GOD clear your doubts. May GOD bless you.

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|||A line segment with a beginning and an end, if it is increasing in length from the end onward, no matter how long it extends itself, it will *always* have an end point, therefore an increasing length of anything cannot extend all the way into eternity, it always has that end point.

In sum: “Everything that has a beginning has an end (neo)”

I am just giving the below as an example of the paradox of eternity.

Summary of my arguments:

%26lt;--Assuming for moment God exists--%26gt;

To promise eternity:

• Eternity by definition is continual and never ends nor finishes.

• A promise to be true must be fulfilled, else it maybe *being fulfilled* as in a process.

• God’s promise is ongoing, but never complete and never fully true.

• God’s progress can never approach complete as a fact, therefore God lied.

• God can only promise, on continual basis, to keep extending your life, as follows:

— God and his creation must convene on a period to arrange the next period.

— God has no hope of finishing, so he is doomed to make agreements continually in order to be true; the moment he fails that is the moment he breaks the promise, but the promise is continual, it can never stop.|||++++ To answers your question.......Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen. I Am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:7-8 So there you have it ! Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Philippians !! You will see and it is a lot closer than most people think. It will be after the 7 year tribulation......I feel sorry for all unbelievers....they don't know what's coming. It will be too late then. Are you sane and logical, you have been told. The people that have been told will have no excuse ! Today is the day of Salvation ! ++|||My GOD is not about silence. Its because people don't listen.

We humans are so full of ourselves and our own problems that

we didn't hear from him. For this reason, even christians can't

hear from him. Their prayers are so full of personal problems.

How many do actually pray to GOD, just to listen to what GOD

has to say? Pray and listen to what GOD wants, not what you want

to hear.

GOD has manipulated the entire STI index for one week to prove

to me that the voice I hear is from him.

If you are seeking for the truth, I hope you can try to pray to our creator

and ask him, our father to speak to you, then offer him your silent moments.

May GOD speaks to you. When he does, you might have doubts, but he will

prove to you that its him, our loving father trying to reach out to you.

When all these happen, just remember, all glory should go to GOD,

and not his creations.

May GOD bless you and all truth seekers.|||Because if he proved his existence then everybody would worship him unconditionally. The idea is to believe it the idea.

This way he can cast judgment on the non-believers.

Believe it.|||The believers here will remind you that "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".|||religion ≠ reason Reason never works against the religious.|||Our education standards as well as our intelligence was really low back in the day.

Thankfully its going up.|||love you! there is no evidence of god so why bother believing and praying???|||he could be a sky pilot?!|||bump.|||God wants to know we are pure of heart. It says in the bible unto the pure all things pure. He gave us Free Will- the will to choose between good and evil. The will to choose our own path or to follow his. As humans we are made of flesh and blood and the flesh brings down the spirit- ultimately we only believe what we physically see. We believe in the physical and not in the spiritual.

We are simplistic thinkers- we often take on board what confirms what we already believe- we shun what we don't. God is real- and he is in our hearts if we would only seek him. God is not a silent God- he is not going to watch us self destruct. He sent his son to save us from ourselves. It says in the bible "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".

God has given us evidence because he wants us to turn over our ways- He has sent many messengers to fulfill His work and spread the Good News. If you want prove. Seek it! It is already in your heart.…|||The fact that it is impossible for science to disprove the existence of God proves that God exists.

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