Thursday, November 24, 2011

Would you think it beautiful if a girl with blond hair and blue eyes covered the mouth of a darker girl?

I think that could be beautiful. A virtuous, blond, blue-eyed good family girl could put hand over mouth of an dark-haired, interruptive, questioning or sarcastic girl. I think good blond has right to silence her intellectualizing darker friend.|||I think it depends on how she is covering her ;-) I think it could be extremely hot... can i watch???|||Yes, I think it is both beautiful and sexy to see a white, pretty female hand over a darker-skinned girl's mouth. I like the sexiness of the color combination too. White is clean, pure, and innocent. No racism intended--I am referring to dark skin as in tanned white, Asian, black, brown, Native American, whatever. Actually, it would be an erotic turn-on to have the blond, blue-eyed girl keep her hand over MY mouth!!! Girls' hands are usually soft, sweet, clean, and beautiful--I'd rather have a female do that to me rather than a man! Also, I would equally love to have the brunette or dark girl put her hand over my mouth! It is an erotic rush, something about being under feminine control and unable to talk...|||Without being racist... Sounds good.

The only reason I think using a white girl to cover a 'darker' girls mouth is because the colour white traditionally represents innocents.

It could be very powerful. Photographs like this have been done before and no one has questioned them, because the the photographers are famous. So, I think it's unfair for the people above to be calling you racist.

You seem artistic, not racist. And to be fair you never said black, asian etc. For all they know you could be talking about a tanned white girl OR you could be black.|||You asked a similar question with the two figure skaters. This sounds like you think blonds are dumb, and you sound like a racists, don't know if you are cause the you worded the question in such a bizzare and disturbing way. What do you mean by cover her mouth, and how could that be hot one way or another, you need to take you meds, go to the pharmacy......Now!|||Yes, the beautiful girl covered the darker one. If we think in a positive direction, we get tru love in the lofe|||do you even know what you are talking about? you are crazy and maybe you should try to explain your ideas a little better so everyone doesnt just assume that your a racist|||Is this an advert idea for blondes or something? Its good if Its an advert lol. If its not then why does the brunette have to be sarcastic? Why cant the brunette cover the blondes mouth? xx|||This is a very weird question!! and you sound kinda freaky!!

And :"I think good blond has right to silence her intellectualizing darker friend." What's that all about??|||A "virtuous, blond, blue-eyed good family girl" should put her hand over YOUR mouth 'cuz you sound STUPID!|||uh, ok cool whatever your into|||I'm not actuaaly sure what you are trying to say. So ........................................…|||Umm.... yeaaaaaaaaaaaah........ ok...........

*no comment*|||what..what are you trying say u racist?

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