Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is it right to squelch someone's spirit ...?

... if that person is sincerely, honestly joyful of what they believe?

When does it become your right to silence someone else's joy if no perceived harm is being done to you?|||If someone has the testimony of Jesus the only thing that can silence them is death.

There is no power on earth that can come against you if you have the Holy Spirit abiding within you.

Micah 7:7 Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.

8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.|||No need to cause pain|||wow that must be geared towards atheists....they would squelch all christian's joy in a second if allowed to put us all in death..errr happy re-education camps...because they know what's best for us and we're so uneducated according to them.|||Yes.|||No one can silence you,dont be such a martyr.Fight back if its important to you.Abandon the herd mentality,be a joyful non-believer!|||Some can be very judgmental of others at times,and closed to learning anything new,they would have it on their concience to condemn and crucify all that oppose them,at times I also question whether some are worshiping or being God or whatever entity they believe in.Dont let it get to you hun jesus had many enemies that tried to condemn him and so did buddah etc... Follow what fits with you and do not let anyone take your joy,its reallity that most people fear the most and cannot deal with. love and light|||Probably none. Just instruct them later.|||I'm an atheist and I have no specific right to "squelch someone's spirit" or to "silence someone's joy."

What I do have is the right to express my own opinion. That's the whole point of a public access Internet forum. As for "no perceived harm," allow me to point out that Christians work relentlessly to force their unfounded superstitions into the law of the land and there is plenty of very real harm done. My brother-in-law just died from diabetes and it is possible that if do-gooder Christians had minded their own damn business, we would very likely have had a genuine stem cell based cure for diabetes and many other deadly diseases. Is it right for countless thousands of people to die needlessly because ignorant Christians superstitiously imagine a ball of fifty undifferentiated stem cells is the moral equivalent of a living human being? If someone's tender "spirit" cannot withstand hearing the unvarnished truth, perhaps they should go back to a nice safe Bible-study-group, where all the participants have been carefully screened to insure they all believe the same silly superstitions.|||It is very hard to tell someone exactly what is truth, when everything said or any point of view is not to be rejected or corrected in their minds. Everyone can't be right. And every faith can't be biblically correct. No matter how you tell the truth, it takes someone with maturity to accept it when they are wrong. That person must be honest.|||Share Jesus all you want and rejoice in Him.

Atheists,anti-christians,etc. will always attack christians,

until Jesus returns.

I pray Jesus gives you more peace then you ever known.

Pray for me anytime you want.|||We have no right to squelch anyone's spirit. My motto ism "Never let anyone steal your joy"!|||It is never your right to squelch someone's spirit when it is filled with joy, faith, hope, love, etc. As long as that person's joy is coming from a positive place where they are not causing harm to another, removing another's will or taking another's joy out of life, no one has a right to take another's joy away.

If on the other hand, the person's joy stems from a negative place like killing, hurting, maiming or squelching another's joy and life then you can try to do what you feel is appropriate to place them on a better path of less destruction.|||what do they belive in are they going to be saved do they need help Can you help them do you belive in what this person should or do you belive in what they already belive in.

You should ask yourself these Questions before trying to Squelch somones belifes but we do want to bring as many people to Christ as we can.

good luck and God bless

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