Saturday, November 19, 2011

God is with me, even in silence right?

Since birth, my family was dedicated to living a honest life and a healthy relationship with God. Ways in which I have seen people try to contact God is by bowing down, closing ones eyes and whispering, looking into photo of him, public speaking, etc. My way of reaching him was always in my conscious and never heard by anyone. I assume God can read my mind and if I seem to face a problem, I also assume he knows it as well, whether he does something for it or not. Is God listening to me forever until death, and will I eventually come to a point in which I need to speak of my sins out loud for the world to hear?|||Absolutely! God knows all of your thoughts and you're more than welcome to pray in your mind. You will never need to confess your sins to the public. That is absolutely not necessary because you do not need their forgiveness for salvation. What you do need to do is repent of those sins. This simply means that confess them to God (in your head, or otherwise) and resolve to turn away from it. This does not mean that you will NOT sin, simply that you will not immerse yourself in sin. You also need to trust in Jesus alone for your salvation. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but through Me." You cannot get yourself to the top floor of a building without putting your trust in the elevator to get you there.|||GOD Himself talks to you only in Silence.He does not like "Noise"

"Mouna Vaakyaa Prakatitha Para Brahma Tatwam Yuvaanaam"--Mouna means in SILENCE.

"Gurosthu Mounam Vyaakyaanam,Sishyaasthu Chinna Samsayaaha"

Please read Saint Ramana's -"Silence is bliss"|||Prayer is a direct spiritual line between you and God alone. It is not a party line. When you pray to God you are spiritually in His presence at the foot of His throne. Pray accordingly!

God adores kneemail!|||You're wasting your life if there is no god and in all likelihood, there really is no god. Come back to reality; we miss you!|||yes, God knows our innermost thoughts, passions, and desires. whether praying aloud or in ones mind a prayer is a prayer|||It all depends...|||Yes, he is everywhere......

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