Saturday, November 19, 2011

If evolution is right, why silence intelligent design.?

you claim intelligent design is wrong, i believe in intelligent design. every book, movie, peer reviewed paper, both by students and people with high degrees in various science including biology and medicine. you try to hush them up. if you theory is right than why?

if someone claims you to be a conspiracy, and you hush them up, people are going to KNOW you are in a conspiracy.

if evolution is right, why silence people?|||Aloha, the answer to your question is FEAR. fear that everything they learned is wrong fear that the THEORY of evolution is wrong. The funny thing is if we did evolved over millions of years wouldn't there be millions of fossils of sub spices not just one in a cave here and one in cave there.Like wouldn't we take care of our dead and place them in graveyards or tombs long before we became this last form of humanoid. TRUTH is that what they discover in a cave is probably a deformed human or ape and or the scattered bones of some bear or other predator last couple of meals and over time and with a will to prove that everything you learned and worked for is not a LIE you put two maybe three skeletal remains together and make one.SDG|||The only fear involved is the fear that the BS known as ID will be taught as real science and that we raise a nation of ignoprant people worse than we already have. There is no fear that it will ever replace evolution as the dominant explanation for life among mainstream scientists.

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|||Asking for evidence is NOT silencing anyone. Refusing to continue the discussion when the proponent of intelligent design is unable to provide any evidence is not silencing anyone. There is simply nothing to discuss about a so-called scientific position for which no evidence is or can be offered.

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|||No one wants to silence it. We just don't believe that RELIGION needs to be taught in SCIENCE classes.

The stuff we teach in science class has ALL been proven through experiment and observation. If a god created the universe, we can't re-create or watch that process, therefore it is not science.

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|||Intelligent design has 0 evidence backing it thus it is not science and should not be taught in a science class... If those who believe in ID want to teach it in their churches that is perfectly fine as evidence is not a requirement for religion as it is for science....

If you want ID in science I suggest you find reliable verifiable evidence to support the claims then have that evidence pass the peer review process... If you do so I will be more than happy to allow it in science class as it would then qualify as science...

You could change science if you can find evidence for ID... Why not ask your deity of choice to help you find the evidence needed to make ID science.... Do you accept the challenge or are you ready to admit ID is not science?|||Intelligent design isn't "silenced" it's just not recognized because it is not a valid scientific theory. Saying "this is complicated, that must mean it has a creator, that creator must be my god" is not scientific.

And it's essentially creationism. People dressed it up in the attempt to have it recognized as a scientific theory. It didn't work.|||Ideas that are demonstrably wrong are always tossed out. Would you expect us to teach alchemy or heliocentrism?

There isn't a single peer reviewed paper in support of intelligent design. The only one that is even close is Dr. Behe's and it was trounced by at least 15 others. But it wasn't even directly supportive of it either. If the guy had any integrity at all he'd have withdrawn it because there were at least three that showed him factually wrong.|||So the Flying spaghetti monster created the universe? The flying spaghetti monster touched the universe with its noodly appendage?

Look up the flying spaghetti monster.

Teaching lies rather than fact is never a good idea.

I mean I think a bunch of invisible unicorns created the universe adn since you can not prove they did not, I should be able to teach that. I mean you have a conspiracy to stop the preaching of invisible unicorns creating the universe.

Have you a problem with teaching the facts?

Since there is no evidence for intelligent design that is why it should not be taught, because it is NOT TRUE

Seriously you have a problem.

Try researching what evolution etc says and the objections to intelligent design.|||Intelligent design gets contempt because it does not operate the way honest science should operate. It starts with a conclusion and tries to make the evidence fit that conclusion. Because of ID's relation to creationism and its penchant for lying, scientists are understandably suspicious of any argument for design.

No one is being silenced because of that belief. Ridiculed, maybe, but they're not being disappeared.|||They can believe what they want. They CAN'T teach it alongside actual science.

Oh yeah, there's not ONE officially recognised peer reviewed paper on the myth of ID.

But let's do it anyway. While we're at it we can teach Ancient Astronaut Theory alongside them both.

Then we can teach Astrology alongside astronomy.

And Alchemy alongside chemistry. After all, Isaac Newton believe in alchemy and he was super-smart, right%26gt;

Where does it end?

Edit: Now can you provide citation of peer reviewed papers from a NON CHRISTIAN/CREATIONIST website?

The "discovery institute" is WELL KNOWN as the propaganda arm of the creationist movement.|||Actually, I don't feel you.

People hear what they want to hear. Intelligent design is not science and it come with a rule book. People need instructions.

I personally don't need religion. But without religion there would be chaos. People need guidance and they want cute stories.|||Dover vs Kitzmiller determined that Intelligent Design was not science but merely "creationism" wrapped in a new package thus it was deemed unconstitutional. Not only that but members of the ID lied under oath.

ID is not science, so we are fighting to keep science untainted by religion.|||because that junk wants to be taught in science class.

i do not oppose it being taught in the comparative religionistics, with at least thirty other creation myths.|||There are no peer-reviewed articles for intelligent design. That's the whole point! It's completely unfalsifiable, and, thus, not scientific at all, no matter what its proponents try to hoodwink people into thinking.|||Intelligent design is not science. Therefore it doesn't belong in science class. End of story.|||No one is trying to silence them. They are trying to keep children from being force fed religion in school. Pretty simple.|||I don't believe you that someone who has a "High Degree" in biology is a creationist. You are a Liar. Sight your source.|||If you think ID is so great, get it peer reviewed by the people who actually know science. Or try.|||Wag your tongue all day about ID - just keep it out of the science curriculum, cos it isn't science|||Who is hushing ID up? It should just not be taught as if it anything but nonsense.|||Evolution is a fact.

And I don't try to silence people who believe in ID, I just laugh at them..|||I'm an agnostic, but i hate hypocrisy. to try to silence a theory that you don't agree with is inexcusable. even Darwinists can't prove man evolved from primates, there's not enough proof. some even believe that humans we're "seeded by aliens" but won't even consider the possibility that there is a god.

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