Saturday, November 19, 2011

Isn't it time to silence the right and just push through all of the Social reforms that are necessary?

Health care reform? Marriage equality? Gender equality etc.|||Definitely, enough of the "bi-partisanship" charades, lets get real reform while we can still get it.|||The Federal government has no power to enact health care, define marriage or promote one gender over another.

How about we stick to what the Constitution defined as it's powers: build a strong national defense, maintain real currency, and establish justice in our lands and leave the social programs to the states and people to decide for themselves at a more local level?|||Only if you like the idea of tyranny of the majority. If you do, then you do not understand what this country is about and don't deserve to call yourself an American. Read the Constitution. It's written in plain English. The federal government HAS NO RIGHT to push through any of these reforms.|||That's how a lot of liberals are feeling but Obama wants to take his time and give Republicans a chance to work together. Hahaha. He even agreed to let Snowe take off the public option from health reform and the other republicans called her a traitor.|||In a perfect world. The problem is the right and left all work for the same people, namely the Corporate fascist elite that tries to control both sides of a debate. Get them to do the right thing and ignore the $$$ behind them. Good luck with that one.鈥?/a>|||Silencing your opponents is the first thing Hitler did too

Congratulations on proving left wingers are the most intolerant of diversity.

the Germans have a name for National Socialists

and that name is NAZI Pretty fitting don't you think?|||You must be forgetting about the other half of the country that are bible toting, gun clingers that might not let a ram job happen.

Sounds great if you want a military dictator to run what used ot be your country.

Well....maybe you WOULD like that.|||I am all for silencing people. They should and must be silenced!

This is what should be passed through...

More Draconian laws...

I would place restrictions on Speech, expression, knowledge, education and information.|||N0 --- Typical liberal mentality ........liberals want to SILENCE anyone who dares to disagree with them or who DARES to voice their OWN opinion.

Liberals even want to DENY ALL rights to ANYONE who is NOT a liberal.|||Since the Left has the Presidency, both Houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, please explain to me how it is the Right who is keeping the Left from enacting any legislation it wants to enact?|||Tried that in 1993. It led to 12 years of Republican control of Congress. Are we really in such a hurry that we want to jam a few things through and then spend the next 12 years seeing it all get stripped away?|||Yes , lets get those death panels started ASAP ! Listen to Obama adviser Robert Reich ! Pay close attention what he tells you in his own words at the 1 min 20 sec spot ??|||Isn't it time your read the Health Care "Reform" Bill. I am fine iwth Marriage equality , Gender equality, but the Health Care Bill is a farce. You should try reading it some time.|||Yeah. Tell those libs to quit their yapping and pass some legislation already.|||Go for it. You can't even get your single payer plan through.

2010 should be very interesting.|||Oh sure......just push through all the things that MOST Americans DON'T want. But that is the Democrat/Liberal way.....screw the people who voted them into office.|||How wonderful. Someone who believes in governing by force.|||What more Social Reforms could be needed to promote gender equality?|||WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER|||So you only support free speech, if you agree with what is being said.|||Get it done. All three branches of the government are at your disposal|||Maybe in Dreamland. You haven't the votes in your own party little boy.|||well, they would do the same for us|||I agree.Get er done!!!|||Is it that what you repukes want ?

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