Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is political correctness putting America at risk?

The Christmas Day underwear bomber was "singing like a canary" until he was treated as an ordinary criminal and advised of his right to silence.

The chance to secure crucial information about al-Qaeda operations in Yemen was lost because the Obama administration decided to charge and prosecute Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as an ordinary criminal, critics say. He is said to have reduced his co-operation with FBI interrogators on the advice of his government-appointed defence counsel.

Is this due to political correctness and is it putting America at risk?|||Political correctness has gotten way out of hand, and yes, it's putting America at risk. If we apply numbers to represent different ethnicities and nationalities, factor in behaviors and criminal or terrorist tendencies, there is certainly a well-established pattern that can be used to predict with some certainty who is most likely to engage in a certain act. Look it up, just go to the FBI's website. Part of protecting ourselves is knowing who the enemy is. I'd much rather be the victim of vitriolic liberals and save lives, than to cater to the whims of democrats and deny reality just to raise the self-esteem of a few people who might be falsely stereotyped while thousands die. Human life is more important than human dignity. Human safety is more important than pride and privacy.|||ABSOLUTELY!

The use of "feelings" to control a culture is by definition a self-destructive practice.

How do the courts measure if someone is "offended"?

Whose feelings are most important? Aren't you offended by our weak government?

The constantly increasing sensitivity of any group has NOTHING to do with legal procedures.

It's simply a way to control society when a group can't get a law passed in their favor.|||Yes, PC is compromising the United States. But the liberals seem to thing PC is more important then the nation itself. If this guy gets off and if the 9/11 plotters get off.... you can count on a backfire from the moderates, the ones that swing back and forth with no real solid convictions of their own.|||Political Correctness has really done a job on what used to be common sense. Unfortunately, it has led us down the path of destruction. It is time to boot "political correctness" and get back to running the Country in an intelligent manner. Political correctness is removing more rights and freedoms than it is correcting. Time to banish it!|||The answer from "2010 the year of tax increases" is correct. In fact congress should pass a law that all foreigners will have their own country's laws applied to them while they are on our land. They should also remove the automatic citizenship if someone is born here.|||No, it is not putting anyone at any greater risk. Charging the attempted bomber in Federal Court did no more to silence him then did his arrest in the airport. It is political punditry to attempt to make a point out of the matter.|||Yes, it is putting America at risk. It's also treasonous.

It's giving aid and comfort to the enemy.|||since when is the American Constitution political correctness?

the founding fathers did someing good , let the republicans not destroy this great country

not at all the entire cell was wiped out by Yemeni forces|||We should revoke his citizenship so he wouldn't have miranda rights.

Oh wait, he is not a US citizen !

So now we will pay millions to defend a non-citizen?

Would they do that for you or I in Nigeria?|||It's not political correctness, it's the Muslim loving Marxist in the white house that believes terrorist are entitled to all rights as an American Citizen.|||Yes sir and if we continue to allow it to run rampid it will destroy us|||not really political correctness. Just ignorance and arrogance|||No your habit of wanting to racial profile a certain race is..|||What exactly would you like to have happened?|||Get used to it.. Morality has consequences...

It's called "human rights"... And the U.S. supports such a thing...|||If it wasn't so, you wouldn't even think to ask the question.|||YES IT IT !!!|||Ask the P.C. police if they are happy after you turn on your TV one day and you see pictures of a mushroom cloud over what use to be an American city.|||Actually it is worse than that. You see, Obama is a product of the extreme Left in America. They hate the military more than they hate terrorists. In fact, these are the people who side with the terrorists and blame America, like Reverend Wright. "..chickens coming home to roost". To these people, there is no such thing as a just war. They do not see any moral absolutes. We are not "good" they are not "evil". It is all relative to them.

As such, they approach the problem of people blowing stuff up as a Criminal Justice matter. But that is suicidal. The Criminal Justice System is designed to prosecute criminals after a crime has already been committed. That is of little use against such an enemy.

I will never forget the image of Russian tanks rolling into Georgia in 2008 and pushing police cars around like toys. Our enemies have declared war on us and are using military weapons and tactics while we flounder around trying to defend ourselves with all the restrictions and obligations the Criminal Justice System imposes. You do not observe the Marquess of Queensberry rules in a street fight; you do not fight wars with policemen and prosecutors.


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