Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why does it always seem to be leftists wanting to censor people?

Why do they feel the need to silence those that disagree with them?

Why do they feel they have the right to silence those that offend them but the rest of us must be tolerant?

Why will some confuse censure for censor?|||The left wing only agrees with free speech as long as the speech is in their favor. Look at Europe, the left wing in Europe censors anything it does not agree with. Look at Australia, where the left wing has created the harshest censorship rules in the western world.|||BECAUSE THEY'RE IDIOTS!! THEIR TREE HUGGING SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST VIEWS DON'T FLY WITH WHAT AMERICA WANTS!! AMERICA IS ABOUT CAPITALISM, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, THIS IS WHAT MAKES THIS COUNTRY GREAT AND THE LEFT WING LOONS WANNA TURN THIS COUNTRY INTO FINLAND OR THE REST OF EUROPE!!! HORRIBLE!!! I HOPE ALL DEMS GET VOTED OUT OF OFFICE|||That's all they have. They can't debate. Most don't even know the issues well enough to discuss the topic for more than 2 - 3 minutes.

Evilish-esque How about any college campus where a Conservative tries to speak?|||Because they know they are supporting the wrong causes and cannot come up with anything to dispute the true circumstances.|||They only like Free Speech when they do it!

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