Saturday, November 19, 2011

Should mothers have right to silence their daughters if needed?

I have seen this happening sometimes. Mother putting her hand over her daughter麓s mouth. Last time it was a 16 year old beautiful young girl. She was quite embarrassed and blushing but let her mother麓s hand be there even when they walked together.

Do you think it is a usefull method? Sometimes I think I see very much beauty and charm in a cituation. Daughter submitting and letting her mother麓s hand be there although blushing with her face red. But at a same time smiling through her eyes and laughing a bit when a situation is over.|||Huh? This doesn't happen where I live. What country/culture are you talking about?|||You have asked this weirdo question before....|||I would never silence my child like that. She has a right to her opinions, even if they are uncomfortable for some people to hear.|||it depends|||kinda creepy|||thas just weird. i don't think anything along those lines is right.|||This question doesnt even make sense. PLus no its called freedom of speech lady, mothers have no right to silence their daughters.|||Nope.

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