Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Have you ever noticed how some theists......?

often bash your assertions by saying ''There's plenty of evidence of God's existence'', or ''Evolution is a myth and has been debunked'' only to employ silence right after?

What's up with that?|||Yes.

It's often a matter of follow-the-leader with religious-types.

After all, thinking for oneself is forbidden.|||They're insecure liars.|||People tend to hear something from someone else and if they agree with it then it's fact to them. So instead of looking into it, they blindly accept it. This does go both ways though.|||they're just spouting what they were indoctrinated with as children|||They don't know enough about anything to make an informed decision.

~|||A lot of them actually believe the garbage they spout and cling to even the most flimsy "evidence" to support their beliefs.

Many are actually afraid that they might be wrong.

Many more are afraid to question their beliefs because it will anger their deity.|||They've just come from the playground where they specialised in saying things like "Nyeah - well I didn't want to be on your team anyway!".

Hot air puffballs.|||C'mon. You couldn't hear the crickets chirping?

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