I left the Democrats. I'm thinking of returning to make my vote heard on the Left. I'm tired of the crazy lunatics who keep undermining our country. Can I get any "Go for it!" shouts from fellow U.S. citizens on the Right? Are there any true Democrats still out there? Or are they all asking for hand-outs, socialism, special rights, and to silence all opposition at all costs, even their ethics?|||HEY WHY NOT ITS A FREE COUNTRY YOU CAN CHANGE IF YOU WANT TO.
MY FRIEND THE CHOICE IS YOURS.|||Why not be your own person? Work for and vote for those individuals and issues that you feel are important. Don't be concerned about party, rather, be concerned about results.
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|||Vote for the individual and not the party.|||That is really up to you, the democrats are not what the repuglicans make them out to be. Yes they believe in social programs as a way to give a person a hand up, many of the welfare give aways have gone away as a social experiment that didn't work. Right now they are pushing for health care reform, that is a subject that is dear to my heart as I find myself unemployed due to a health condition and cannot work. I am living out of my savings and will be broke by the time I can retire in two years. So if I don't get some help with it I am going to be in real trouble. I know that I will vote democrat because they do seem to help the working man more then the repuglicans. While the repuglicans seem to help the rich and large corporations. f|||Of course you should. It is better than the alternative, isn't it?|||Sounds to me like you're a libertarian and not a liberal. Check out http://www.lp.org
One of our most decent congressmen is Libertarian Ron Paul from Texas, I'm sure his party could use a few more seats in the House.|||Whatever floats your boat. I'm more of an Independent myself, but to each their own.
If you strongly believe in the Democratic ideology, go for it.|||Well as I see only an idiot would join a polictal party. A "Real American" would look at "ALL" the candidates and vote for the best man for the job.
I would have thought the arm bands and party loyalty would have died with Hitler and all those closed minded people.|||No become a Communist! Communists will take over the world!!! Mother Russia!!!!|||No! Don't go back to the Dark Side!
I'm just kidding. Figure out what issues matter to you the most and vote accordingly.|||That sounds like a positive choice. Ultimately, we all vote for the individual we believe will do the best for our country.
If you feel like changing parties will help get someone out there worth voting for, I say go for it.
I like as many good choices as possible.
Landslide elections mean at least one party has failed to make a good choice in choosing their canidate.
Come to think of it, maybe I'll join you on the other side.
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